
Showing posts from September, 2023

Iceland and returning home

Back to Reykjavik and returning home -- July 22-23, 2023 We docked in Reykjavik a day early. This would make our early flight easiest. The cruise line says not to book a flight before noon, and they book us a 9:30 am! However, that may be the time that most leave. Post office box at the port terminal. The port terminal was much less crowded now. They offered a complimentary shuttle. We walked in the morning, but took it in the afternoon. I wanted a license plate picture. We walked along the coast; it was a cloudy day. We looked at the ferry to the island, Videy, which was supposed to have birds. It was pretty expensive, and I felt that I had seen the island from the ship. I did not see any puffin that we needed to visit. We found the old leprosy hospital.  Then found the recycled house. Very cool and interesting. I looked up the film that the owner directed; you can learn about it at  and watched th

Greenland: Icebergs and more sea days

Icebergs and more sea days -- July 19-21, 2023   In the morning, we learned that the Greenland current had blocked the opening to the fjord with icebergs and that we were blocked in. Though the fog was improved. So, I got more icebergs, but more than I needed. So, plan C was waiting for a container ship coming by about noon and following it out of the ice field that we were now in, as well as, no more Greenland stops and heading back to Iceland for an additional day in Reykjavik. The Captain said that they looked at ice maps for the last 10 years and have never seen this much ice in late July.    More iceberg pictures.    Our container ship arrived. It is a small one; I guess that they don't need to move too much cargo in the Artic. Then the sailboat that also got stuck in the ice field and was following us out. Until they felt that they were in the clear and that we were going to slowly. I thought I got a picture of it darting around and very close to our aft, from the aft, but I