Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks -- July 2022

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and Upper and Lower Falls - July 22, 2022

We drove to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, the right way, which was 14 miles North to Norris and then 12 miles East to Canyon Village. We parked at Uncle Tom's Cabin lot. It was early in the morning, so there was plenty of parking left. We first stopped at Upper Falls Viewpoint with also a view of the bridge in the background. 

Then we started the South Rim Trail; from this trail, we wanted to hike down the Uncle Tom's Cabin Trail that went along the river below. However, when we found it, it was closed. Disappointed, but we continued on to Artist Point. There were great views of the canyon. There were also so many mosquitoes! Normally, they love me and Owen, but though I swatted some on me, I did not get any bits. Joel did during the trip. I forgot the Repel (on the whole trip), but I, and Joel started, using the mosquito bracelets. 

We arrived at Artist Point. It was so picturesque.  

Find the steam vent/volcanic activity in the canyon. 

Then we drove to the North Rim and found a spot on the one-way road. From here, we hiked to Brink of Lower Falls and then the Brink of Upper Falls. From both the South and North side, we saw crazy staircases that headed down, but we never managed to find the hikes that lead to one. 

The Brink of the Lower Falls

On the hike, we found this guy. Owen decided that he wanted a pet Marmot. Back home, this was researched. They are legal pets in Australia, have to chew to keep their front teeth to a normal size, they hibernate, and stink. He expected it to sit in his lap, while he planed video games. 

In the afternoon, we hiked up to Grand Prismatic Spring overlook, starting at the Fairy Fall trail. Parking was tough in the afternoon; we parked around a curve -- or circle in the middle of the parking lot. Then when the car in front of us left, it exposed a no parking sign. So, I had Travis move. Luckily, someone was leaving, and we got that spot, which was nice and wide. I'm still not sure it was a spot, but it worked. The hike was not too long and lead to this specular view. 

Very impressive views today. 

Back at the campsite for our last night, I had to get a picture of the bear box. This was handy to organize food and not have to try to dig through all of it in the truck. Each campsite had one. Once we got to Glacier, each did not, so did have to keep all the food in the truck. 

Instead of the normal National Park map, they gave us this.

With the flood, they also gave us this.

Next up on the road to Glacier...

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