Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks -- July 2022

 Many Glaciers -- July 25, 2022 

This morning we started with a drive to the Many Glaciers area. To get here, you have to exit the park on the East and go North. Before Many Glaciers entrance we found more rough road construction in progress. 

Our first hike was Apikuni Falls; this looked like a nice short hike -- 0.8 miles one-way. However, it had more elevation gain in that short distance than Owen and I desired, but we made it. At the beginning, there were nice wildflowers. 

We could see the waterfall upon approach. 

At the waterfall, this squirrel was showing off -- stretching and flipping. 

Next, we headed to Many Glacier hotel where there was a lot of parking behind these two runners. The hotel with the mountains, Swiftcurrent Lake, and clouds are so pretty. 

Starting down the trail. We hiked past Swiftcurrent Lake, to Lake Josephine trail on the West side, and to part of Grinnell Glacier Lake trail.   

This is the concessioner boat that cut off some of the hiking time. I read that it cost $27, crazy, and there were lots of people using it that you can see in the picture. 

Continuing on the hike. 

Here we arrived at the Grinnell Glacier trail; we only started the beginning. The hike was uphill and had snow melt water running down the trail in spots, which you see in some pictures below. 

Owen has had enough hiking. 

Great lake and lagoon views.

Then Travis found a lake entrance to clean his dusty boots. 

I thought this was so picturesque with the boats. 

The tour buses looked cool. 

The hotel was decorated for Christmas; Christmas in July since they had no visitors in December. At the hotel, we got the kids ice cream and ate our packed lunches outside behind the hotel. I forgot this before, but when we first arrived in Yellowstone (Wed) masks were not required inside buildings but were starting 2 days later (Sat). They were still required for our full time at Glacier. 

Travis got some great panoramas from behind the Many Glacier Hotel. 

Back at St Mary Visitor Center on the Going-to-the-Sun Road, this larger bird had a nest. 

After being hot and in the sun at the campground, we went to Rising Sun picnic area. We found some good shade, had a snack, and played Uno. Another group was having a snack at the table next to us, so a squirrel moved in started making a loud barking noise to get our attention and let us know that he wanted some food too. It was loud and annoying :). This is where we encountered the 4pm, no ticket needed, Going-to-the-Road line. Jokingly I asked the Ranger, from the car, what we were lining up for. He explained, we showed the campground ticket, and were allowed to go on. We just happened to be at the place where the 4pm line was. 

We did a little more Going-to-the-Sun Road, and then a hike to a waterfall around St Mary Lake. 

On our last camping night, back at the campsite, it started sprinkling while we were making and eating dinner. It was not bad, and we were able to finish dinner and clean up. We wore some ponchos during. Later, it poured! Our tents had made it the other 6 camping nights without being rained on. This worked out well, with our cheap tents, that they did not have to withstand rain until the last night. We all took shelter in the car and started worrying about what we (I) had left in the tent and if it was staying dry. Travis took the hit for us and took a trip to grab tent things; everything was fine. But, it was coming down. When it let up, we went back to camp life, getting ready for bed while it was not raining.    

Next up heading back to Bozeman...


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