Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks -- July 2022

Flight and arriving in Bozeman and Yellowstone - July 19, 2022

Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone from the overlook trail. 

Our flight was at 11:30 am, so we left for the airport a little after 9 am. Travis reserved DFW Express North parking, which for the first time gave us a row that had no spots. The next row had the first one available, though not as well protected from the sun with the covered parking offering. There were a lot of people getting on the bus in the same area. Also, first time that I had ever noticed, the rows were labeled by terminals, though our assigned row did not align with our terminal. 

We had an uneventful flight (the best kind), space for each of our luggage, and in seat entertainment. We waited a little on the ground for a gate to become available after landing. We landed about 1:30 pm. We did not need to wait for luggage. The airport had nice nature decorations and not too large. Car rental pick up was quick. 

Then we were off to Walmart for our pick up order. After landing, Travis checked it from the plane; they did not have a ton of our stuff. Camping stuff had been selling out quickly as we checked before, but even more was out of stock. We had packed 2 sleeping bags, the top grill for a propane tank (Walmart was out of the right tank), some cooking pans, the hot hands that we had left from earlier trips (mine never worked, but the kids had good luck until we ran out). We needed 2 more sleeping bags and 2 tents or 1 larger tent. Our sleeping bags and tents were out of stock. 

After missing the exit (Travis did not tell me to exit and later noted that we had gone too far -- GPS was not doing great in the mountains), we made it to Walmart. Target was a backup for air mattresses though pricey there and did not have the pump. I went to the pick up in the car with Owen; no one else as at pick up. Travis and Joel went in to start working on the missing items list, which they made while we were driving. They had found the missing pillows -- we got 2 bed sized for Travis and my hugging pillows, had packed 2 camp pillows that the kids used, 1 blow up pillow from a sleeping bag that Travis tried but ended up not using. With the lack of air mattresses in camping, we went for a cheap alternative of a pool blow up mattress, getting one extra if any got a hole. Travis and I used the air mattress head pillows as head pillows; however, they were big, all that air went up to the pillow. I tried some to use the regular pillow as both a head and hugging pillow. The air mattresses did not work great, but passable. Travis's went flat the first night. He stacked the extra starting the second night. They also had found some of the missing groceries. For the pick up, we got ice cream treats, so Owen and I had our treats of Magma ice cream bars, while waiting for Travis to text back. He did and that we should come in. Joel ice cream melted some in the car, and Travis does not eat that unhealthy. Owen said they were heavenly. 

We found 2 expensive sleeping bags that rang up even more expensive -- grr. However, they were rated for 30 degrees, so that we were ready for the cold. We were worrying about another stop with more expensive tents, I suggested that we look in the camping section one more time. On the way, Travis noticed the aisle toward the front were they were put for being seasonal. We got two 3-person tents. Everything obtained, except fuel, we took turns visiting the restroom and check out. Except, Travis who did not get to go and spent the full time at checkout. 

Next, he navigated us to Sportsman's Warehouse, where he ran in for the propane. Then, we were off to Wyoming to set up the tent. We stopped in West Yellowstone, a resort-like town, at McDonald's. I have not had McDonald's in years, but this was a bad one. We ordered on the slow kiosk with lots of choices, but they seemed to ignore the choices made anyway. We opted out of the kids meals toys, but got them; we picked the double fries (the best part) with no fruit, not sure that we got double, and my burger had such little mustard (to make it eatable), but going up to ask for more was told they were out -- burger place out of mustard, geez. Forgot our kids meals cups, and we had to ask for them too. They were not very friendly with good customer service in these interactions.  

The West Entrance was not crowded in the late afternoon/evening. Madison Campground is close to the West Entrance. I was surprised how long the people at the windows were taking to check in. When we got up there, I found out that they give a lot of info on the rules, trash, recycling, and bear safety. They needed our reservation, my photo id, and maybe the credit card that we reserved on. Based on our equipment (a car and 2 small tents), we were assigned a spot. We were in Loop E, which was not near the trash or recycling, which were off of A, B, and C loops. 

Our site was right next to a restroom, which at first Travis and I though -- ugh too close/will be loud -- but it was not bad and nice to have it close, especially for middle of the night, can't see the bears well, trips. However, it was the only restroom with the lights and heater not working. The restroom did have soap and paper towels, which was great! I'm thinking this was a covid addition. Each site also had a bear box, which was very helpful in organizing the food and not need to juggle it all in the car truck. The Ranger noted that food could be stored in the car here; that the bears were not like California bears that break into cars. I'm almost quoting this. Also, a picnic table and fire pit. 

We set up the tents, filled them for the night, blew up the air mattress (not me -- yikes they were hard to air up!), sleeping bags, and pillows. We were not allowed any toiletries (carmex, lotion, etc.) or water in the tent. I had asked on the Yellowstone facebook site if water for drinking at night would be allowed after seeing this rule on the reservation site and if they did have a Mercantile that Travis found as being new within the campsite with frozen burritos and microwave to warm. They got back to me on facebook first that they would check and then with a reply, which was very nice of them to go to the trouble to help out. They noted that we could take water for immediate use but to use our own discretion. They did have a Mercantile with microwave and warmable food. The food ended up being very expensive, but I got a very delicious Dove ice cream there on my birthday! We skipped the water since they mentioned no water when we checked in, but at home, I always have my water beside the bed.

There was also no water or electricity at each campsite. They had restrooms and a sink for washing dishes. Also, do not leave food, food containers, or cooking containers around the campsite/on the picnic table and don't pour food tainted water at the campsite -- anything that would attract bears. 

When putting the tent, Travis suggested it would be cooler without the rain fly on the tents. I insisted that we have ours, but the kids did not. It was cold trying to sleep; I froze all night and worrying about the kids being even colder. In the morning, Joel asked when we would save him from the "neverending winter".  This is one night after we left the days of straight 100+s in Texas. The rain fly was added. We went to bed early and got up early, thinking it okay to stay on Central time and to visit the sights earlier and before the crowds. Though the kids stayed up later, because they did not want to go to bed early, playing Uno, cards, or reading. It was loud at the campground until quiet time 10pm to 6am. 

Next up Old Faithful and Upper Geyser Basin...

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