MSC Meraviglia two Sea Days -- March 2024

Two more Sea Days on the way back to NYC -- March 15-16, 2024 

We followed along the coast, and it was still rough on the way south. This time we were going north further from the shoreline, and it was smoother. This was a warm day still since not toofar north yet. Owen and I went back to the waterpark, and Travis and Joel went to the outside and inside pools. Both the outside and inside pool was heated. Now to start getting the swimming suits dried. This was a challenge in the cabin trying to dry 4 sets of swimming suits, gym clothes, and laundry. Someone left one magnetic hook in our cabin, and it was awesome (of course, we left it for the next family). I have heard this tip before, to get these, but thought that we did not need them. I now have ours ordered.   

We wore our dressy clothes to dinner again, me while it was still warm and Travis dressed to match me. 

Owen's beef and barley soup without much beef. Travis's marinated octopus and watermelon and feta. Joel got the vegetable spring roll that he said was good but small.  

For mains, Owen and I got the lamb; it was very good. Travis's wild barramundi filet. Joel got the penne all'amatriciana, which was not good. We shared some lamb with him. 

Grandma's cake, chocolate duo cake, and coconut cake. 

We caught a few dome shows: famous ceilings, Jurassic, and another that I'm forgetting now. This dome picture was cool. They made the globe in clouds; later we could see the clouds drifting out of the shape of the continents. 

We had breakfast at the MDR because Joel wanted to try the hot chocolate, so we had to get up in time.  

Each deck had a place name with nice pictures from that place and a metal statue like this. We stayed on 10 - Hagia Sophia, so I got a picture of it. Today we played a chilly trivia by the pool, and the kids each won an MSC baseball cap. 

Tonight was Italian night. Owen and I got the Sicilian-style arancini that were very good. Joel and Travis the caprese salad. Joel and I got the bistecca, which was not good. Owen the chicken parmesan that I'm not sure that he was very impressed with, but I thought was good. Lastly, Travis's voodles vegetarian dish that was good, as far as vegetable go :).  

Travis and Joel had to get the tiramisu on Italian night. Owen got Grandma's cake after seeing me get it multiple times and trying it once. I got the chocolate chip ice cream (ice cream of the day).   

The next morning, up super early to get off and today was the saddest day of a cruise when we had to pack.  

Next up...Disembarkation and NYC

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